Texas Must Declare Economic War on Mexico to Secure the Border

The Problem:

The cartel-controlled Mexican government is working in tandem with the United States federal government to flood Texas with millions of illegal aliens from over 160 countries. The border crisis is leading the way toward the collapse of the rule of law—and is designed to turn Texas blue, ensuring the Democrat Party never loses the presidency and control of the free world.

The wide-open border generates billions of dollars annually for the corrupt, dysfunctional, cartel-controlled Mexican government, guaranteeing the border stays open. The key to stopping this premeditated attack on Texas is to bring economic pressure on Mexico to force the Mexican government to secure its side of the river. No illegal aliens would cross our southern border if the cartel-controlled Mexican government did not allow them to.

President Trump showed that a tough-on-Mexico approach works. He began putting pressure on Mexico through the threat of tariffs in 2019. On June 7, the United States and Mexico reached an agreement for Mexico to step up immigration enforcement and take in more illegal aliens waiting for their U.S. asylum hearings. It worked. U.S.–Mexican border encounters declined by more than half. However, once Biden took office and removed the threat of tariffs, encounters skyrocketed more than fivefold to 2,475,669 in 2023.

The Solution:
For decades, Mexico has deliberately failed to control its side of the border, and with the cooperation of the United States, the situation is a full-scale invasion, allowing cartels and criminals to thrive. Texas must exert economic pressure until the border is secure.

For economic warfare to be successful, Texas must clearly articulate why we are implementing economic pressure and what parameters must be met to end the economic warfare.

HLF is a staunch supporter of capitalism and truly free markets, but times of war call for drastic measures to ensure victory. Therefore, the Legislature must give all forms of economic pressure an automatic kill switch, which deactivates these measures when illegal Texas border crossings are below 4,000 a month. HLF estimates this economic war to last no more than 90 days.

This new solution paper by HLF outlines several methods for the Texas Legislature to exert economic pressure on Mexico until the border is secure:

  • Crush the Tourism Industry in Mexico

  • Stop, Search, And, if Necessary, Seize All Trucks, Commercial Aircrafts, and Other Shipments Transiting the US-Mexico Border Through Texas

  • Establish Border Security Inspection Reimbursement Fee

  • Ban Remittances to Mexico and Other Foreign Nations from Illegal Aliens

Huffines Liberty Foundation’s plan lays out a clear path for Mexico to secure their side of the Rio Grande. If Mexico chooses to fight this economic war, they will lose, and the Mexico we know today will cease to exist. Texas strives to be a good friend and neighbor to Mexico, but this is a two-way street.


To Stop Illegal Immigration, Texas Must Declare Economic War on Mexico


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